
Updating the checklist

  1. Assemble Diorama #7 (it's built and painted, but in pieces)
  2. ***I set it up with lights today and I was surprisingly happy with it. It's a recreation of the bedroom from scene 1, but when I did a simple lighting test with just the bed, Balder, the Sphinx, and the map in it, it looked way better than when I added the replicated toy chest, chair, and bookcase from the first scene. Without those elements, it had that "just moved into the house" feel, which is more or less what I'm going for in the final scene. And the lights look good; I'm very happy. No pics, I didn't bring the camera....

  3. Clean up dioramas (with paper mache)
  4. ***(They still need painting)
  5. Put in the order for vinyl lettering at Kolossos
  6. Build the frames (I have decided to use mat board; Michael's framing is too expensive and I didn't like the frames, and any self built wood frame will not have a smooth enough look or a crisp bevel to it. Matboard isn't the fanciest thing ever, but its simple and subtle, and that's what I need.)
  7. Wire as many of the lights as possible in prep for installation next week.

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